CVHS is an independent, non-profit, 501(c)3 charitable organization with no state or federal funding. We are not affiliated the the Humane Society of the United States or the ASPCA. We are entirely supported by individual donors, local business, fundraising events, grants, and small fees for some services.

We are governed by a (volunteer!) Board of Directors and professionally staffed with up to twelve full-time employees and a handful of part-time staff. CVHS has dozens of volunteers and interns who donate thousands of hours of service each year. Volunteer activities at CVHS include providing foster care for animals (particularly puppies and kittens), office work, events, landscaping and maintenance, and direct care for the animals.

Central Vermont Humane Society shelters and adopts domestic dogs, cats, and small furry animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs. We offer dog training classes, low-cost  microchips, and education to animal guardians. CVHS also works to prevent and address animal cruelty and neglect, and supports legislative efforts to protect animals in Vermont. 

Our mission is to protect and advocate for animals in need, and to build a humane community that promotes compassion and seeks to strengthen the human-animal bond. We accomplish our mission by working collaboratively with other shelters, rescues and community partners. We shelter the lost and homeless, reuniting them with their families, and facilitating adoption into new homes. We strive to exemplify the core values of respect and compassion for life and to meet or exceed the best standards of practice for shelter care and operations.

CVHS is proud of our open admission and adoption processes, strength in matching pets with new loving homes, and the exceptional and compassionate care given to each animal based on their individual needs. In cooperation with Maddie’s Fund and other humane organizations around the country, we are collecting statistics on the care we give animals. This information will help us, and other organizations, allocate resources and achieve their mission goals. Check our Shelter Statistic page to see our data.