Third-Party Fundraiser Event Policy

Thank you so much for considering holding an event to raise funds for Central Vermont Humane Society (CVHS) and the animals in our care.  We greatly appreciate all support from our community!

We strive to support third-party events to the greatest extent possible. Our staff are happy to answer your questions and assist you to the best of our ability, please be mindful of the fact that we have a very small staff and have limited resources. We do kindly ask that we be notified in advance of events that use our name- please contact Sara at [email protected].

What is a Third-Party Fundraising Event?

A third-party event is a volunteer-driven fundraising event that falls outside of CVHS’s regularly scheduled fundraising activities and events.  Examples of common third-party events are lemonade stands, food collection drives, birthday parties, bake sales, pet or car washes, garage or yard sales, e-bay sales, or sports events.

Third-party Fundraising Event Guidelines:

  • All third-party events using CVHS’s name must be in in keeping with our mission to protect and advocate for companion animals in need, and to promote compassion and the human-animal bond.
  • Since the CVHS name and logo hold special meaning to people in our community, we would appreciate it if you could contact us ahead of time to talk about how you would like to use our name and logo.
  • If sponsors for a third-party event are to be solicited, a list of potential sponsors should be submitted to CVHS before they are approached in order to minimize conflict with other CVHS events and/or fundraising already in progress.
  • Depending on what is going on at CVHS, we may or may not be able to solicit participation from our supporters for third-party events
  • Typically CVHS staff and CVHS volunteers cannot attend third-party events due to limited resources.
  • Due to the fact that we have a very small staff and have limited resources, CVHS cannot promote third-party fundraisers/events through our social media channels.
  • Please be sure all promotional materials clearly state the percentage of proceeds that will benefit CVHS.
  • CVHS cannot be financially liable for any event promotion and/or production, and we cannot assume responsibility for any debts incurred.
  • We keep our mailing lists and donor information private and do not share with third-party event organizers.
  • CVHS sales tax-exemption on purchases cannot be extended to third-party events.
  • Due to liability issues, third-party events cannot be held on CVHS property.
  • Events that involve loose dogs, such as at a dog park, require certain CVHS safety guidelines be met. Contact us for more info.

CVHS reserves the right to decline association with an event for any reason. Events will NOT be approved if they:

  1. Conflict with CVHS’s mission to protect and advocate for companion animals in need.
  2. Do not promote compassion and the human-animal bond.
  3. Are controversial in nature, or do not represent a positive image for CVHS. This includes hunting competitions, racing with animals, donkey ball, or any event where animals could possibly be injured.

Please contact Sara at [email protected] with any questions.  Thank you!