Sex: Male
Approximate Age: 12 years, 4 months
Breed: Domestic Shorthair/Mix
Size: Large (12 pounds)
Neutered: Yes
Status: Available

Meet Hays (and friend Gilly). This sweet duo is still looking for their new home. We're looking for an adopter who has a heart of gold and can give two older felines a great home to live out their golden years. This duo, Gilly and Hays, are sweet seniors who need special wet food and an adopter who knows they won't have such a long time with these felines. They came to CVHS when the owner's living situation changed, and they could no longer keep them. While it was reported from the prior home that these felines might not want to continue living together, we never see them apart. So we are looking for a home for this pair together. Upon intake both felines needed dental work to help care for their mouths and make them healthy. While at the veterinarian's office, senior blood work was done, and both these felines are in early stages of kidney disease; a diagnosis that requires them to eat a special prescription food. We have a fantastic foster home who has taken the pair into their home while a permanent home is found, and it is reported that these two are the most easygoing, cuddly cats they have fostered in a while! Both of them come right over when you enter the room, give a little raspy meow, and start gently headbutting you for petting. Otherwise, they spend most of their time lounging in the sunshine and taking naps. Nothing seems to faze Hays -he'd be totally relaxed living with cats, dogs, kids, whatever. Gilly sometimes gets fussy and hisses at her brother when he's up in her space, so she might enjoy being the only cat in a household, or to stay with Hays since he is the most relaxed cat in the world. In regards to the special wet food, CVHS would provide some at the time of adoption to get the new adopter started. Could you, or someone you know, give these elder cats a great place to call home?

Ready to meet Hays?

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Have I touched your heart but you’re just not able to adopt me? You can still help by sponsoring me and future animals while we’re waiting to find our forever families. I call it a “virtual adoption”!

Your gift will help all of us receive exceptional care, medical services, grooming and training. Because we deserve it! And because it will help us get adopted sooner. Thanks for giving me and my friends another chance in life!