Sex: Female
Approximate Age: 14 years, 1 month
Breed: Domestic Shorthair/Mix
Size: Medium
Spayed: Yes
Status: Available

Enchanted is a timid girl at first but will warm up quickly. Once she gets to know you she will become very affectionate and talkative. She will flop over while rubbing up on you and giving headbutts. She came to CVHS with her fur-siblings when their owner moved, and were unable to take them. Enchanted has some familiarity with dogs, but would rather not live with one. She would like to find a place with consistency, a cozy place to cat nap, and a human to give her attention. Enchanted has lived with older children and has done wonderfully.

Ready to meet Enchanted?

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Be a Sponsor

Have I touched your heart but you’re just not able to adopt me? You can still help by sponsoring me and future animals while we’re waiting to find our forever families. I call it a “virtual adoption”!

Your gift will help all of us receive exceptional care, medical services, grooming and training. Because we deserve it! And because it will help us get adopted sooner. Thanks for giving me and my friends another chance in life!