Sex: Male
Approximate Age: 2 years, 2 months
Breed: Domestic Shorthair/Mix
Size: Large (11 pounds)
Neutered: Yes
Status: Available

Strype and his fur-buddy, Tux, came to CVHS when their family moved, and were unable to take them. Tux has since been adopted which leaves Strype looking for his forever home. It has taken Strype a while to show his personality and even now only comes out for a few individuals. When he is comfortable with someone he will let you pet him. He knows when it's feeding time here and will watch and meow at the door.

Strype has been exposed to children, and with his timid personality, we feel that a home with no children would be best. He has met canines in his previous home, but were scared of them, so he is looking for a canine-free home. He is doing good with his feline roommates and would enjoy a friend in his next home.

He needs a family willing to be patient with him adjusting to his new surroundings. Stripe enjoys climbing, so would love a cat tree in his next home, so he can watch you from above.

Ready to meet Strype?

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Be a Sponsor

Have I touched your heart but you’re just not able to adopt me? You can still help by sponsoring me and future animals while we’re waiting to find our forever families. I call it a “virtual adoption”!

Your gift will help all of us receive exceptional care, medical services, grooming and training. Because we deserve it! And because it will help us get adopted sooner. Thanks for giving me and my friends another chance in life!