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Become a Faithful Friend


For a limited time, as a thank you gift, the first eight people who sign up to be a NEW Faithful Friend at $25 or more a month will receive a gorgeous bag, donated via a grant whose goal is to increase donations! (Offer valid only for NEW Faithful Friends)

Every day, needy animals rely on Central Vermont Humane Society – for food, shelter and medical care – and to find new loving homes. A core group of very loyal friends to the animals at CVHS make the commitment to be a monthly donor, providing an important, reliable stream of income that CVHS can rely on to save animals – every day.

Pets like Lily, a tiny kitten who started having bloody diarrhea and losing weight. Kittens as young as Lily are extremely fragile- when they are sick, they need to see a vet without delay. We immediately had Lily looked at by our vet, who discovered she was anemic. She felt much better after receiving medication,  When Lily was old enough, we adopted her into a loving home.

That is the power of our Faithful Friends- Reliable support that makes it possible for us to help pets like Lily without delay.

Please join this group of important supporters and help provide the steadiness and reliability that is so important to save animals. 


Benefits of being a Faithful Friend:

  • You will receive one thank you letter at the end of the year that details all your gifts for that year including amounts, date of gift, and whether it was a check, cash or an online donation.
  • Four times a year, we will send you a set of heartwarming stories of pets you have helped.
  • We will send you a CVHS euro sticker to put on your car, laptop, coffee mug, anywhere to let people know you support the animals!
  • It is convenient and easy to set up an automatic monthly donation using your credit card – either online via our website or by calling our office. Or set up direct payment from your bank account and avoid credit card fees so that 100% of your gift goes to CVHS.
  • Spreading out your giving throughout the year is budget-friendly and many people find this enables them to give more than when they make a single gift once a year.
  • It is flexible, you can make changes at any time. If your monthly gift is by credit card, just contact our office to update your gift amount or credit card information (including new expiration dates or card numbers).
  • Greater impact through steady support – Know that you are providing continuous and steady support to help animals every day, as soon as they need it.

We’re happy to answer questions and help you get started. Contact Terri at [email protected].


“Monthly giving is easier for us and provides money that CVHS can depend on to keep saving animals.”  – Mike and Lisa, Faithful Friend Monthly Donors


**If you prefer to mail a check each month, please write Faithful Friend in the memo line so we know you are a regular monthly donor. Then you will be included in receiving all quarterly newsletters about the animals you are helping. Mail to Central Vermont Humane Society, 1589 VT Rte 14S, East Montpelier, VT 05651. Thank you!